deTour 2021 年度主題 「有(冇)用」 香港最大型的設計節deTour,將在11月26日至12月12日回歸PMQ元創方,為大家帶來一系列的精彩設計作品和創意活動。deTour 2021以「有(冇)用」為主題,探討設計中「有用」和「冇用」、具體功能需要與無形文化價值之間的關係。為此策展團隊叁語設計,特別廣邀一眾本地及國際設計師,與其他非設計界別的專家聯手,期望為業界及公眾帶來前所未見的創意作品和思想震盪。在與國際知名設計單位聯乘的「特邀合作」,Sputniko!和Napp Studio & Architects利用生物科技,為古老愛情傳說帶來當代演繹;「主題展覽」亦破格地帶來設計X運動(陳少華和歐智鋒)、設計X聲音(吳澤霖和樓佳博士)、設計X字體(麥綮桁、譚智恒和張星恒博士)和設計X哲學(胡卓斌和李康廷)的裝置作品和展覧,展示跨界別合作對深化設計想像的力量。策展團隊亦嚴選11個透過公開招募所得的全新意念,於「獲選作品」呈現本地創作團體對「有(冇)用」的多元解讀。當然還有趣味與啟發性兼備的41場工作坊和11場設計講座,進一步在PMQ元創方獨有的創意氛圍,深化對「有(冇)用」題旨的體驗和討論。一如去年,大家除了可在現場親身感受一眾展覧節目的魅力外,亦可同時在虛擬設計節以跨媒介方式互動——快到PMQ元創方及設計節網站,投入設計「有(冇)用」的世界!
deTour, Hong Kong’s largest design festival, returns to PMQ from 27 November to 12 December with a new level of design excitement. Working to the theme of “Use(fu)less”, Trilingua Design—deTour 2021’s curatorial team—explore the “useful” and the “useless”, the distinct functions and the intangible values of design. Interdisciplinary contributions from local and international design talents join with experts from outside design to fulfil deTour’s mission to bring mind-blowing creative works and experiences to the industry and public.At the core of the effort is “International Collaboration”, a contemporary interpretation of an ancient mythology of love created by the internationally acclaimed Sputniko! and Napp Studio & Architects’ marrying of design and biotechnology. At “Feature Exhibition”, Match Chen and Au Chi Fung explore a confluence of design and sport; Chaklam Ng and Dr Jackie Lou delve into the power of design and sound; Mak Kai Hang, Keith Tam and Dr Cheung Sing Hang present a fusion of design and typography; and Renatus Wu Cheuk Pan and Li Hong Ting probe the chemistry between design and philosophy. “Selected Entries”, on the other hand, comprises 11 critically chosen showcases that express diverse readings of “Use(fu)less” by emerging local design groups.Other highlights are 41 “Workshop” sessions and 11 “Design Dialogues” that promise fun, insightful topical experiences against the unique creative backdrop of PMQ. In a continuation of the last edition’s dual model, this year’s deTour presents a virtual festival alongside its physical programme, bringing cross-media interaction to a wider audience. Visit PMQ and the virtual festival website now and immerse yourself in a fascinating world of use(fu)less!